Going on a family vacation with your kids should be a an enjoyable experience. There could be many things to consider when planning a trip especially when the kids are very young, but that should not deter you from planning your dream vacation.
Research & Plan Ahead
There may be so many places to visit on your bucket list. Each one has something unique to offer, and some may be more fun & easy to visit with young kids than others. You could decide which one you want to visit when the kids are a bit older, especially if you do not plan to visit it multiple times. Making a list of activities and places to visit would be great, depending on which time of the year you visit. Knowing the challenges will also help prepare better. Focus on quality rather than quantity. Creating a flexible itinerary and keeping some spots free for some impromptu activities will make the vacation stress-free without feeling the pressure of accomplishing everything at once. Another important thing to check is the requirement of a visa for visiting the place for all the members of the family, also don’t forget to check the expiration date and if your passport is valid.
Check with the Pediatrician
It may sound obvious, but before the excitement gets you too far, make sure to check with the pediatrician before making any plans. This is important, especially for international travel and longer vacations. Also for the younger kids, it is good to check if they are up to date on the vaccination. The doctor’s office may recommend an extra medication to your kids when traveling to the destination as a precaution. For example, malaria medication may be recommended for visiting some places.
Prepare a List for Luggage
It is wise to do the kids’ list first based on your itinerary. Depending on the place you are going you might need warm clothes and summer wear both. It is a different thing if you plan to buy a coat for your kid at the destination as a souvenir but if not, you will be disappointed that you forgot it. Kids outgrow clothes quickly. Ex. We made sure to pack our son’s coat to Switzerland even when it was summer. We were unsure if we would go on higher altitude but wanted to have it if we decided to, and we did go to Jungfraujoch glad we had it with us.
Bring Excitement About the Place
After you confirm your plans, share them with your kids with excitement. Talk to them about the place, its culture, and about the people in simple language. Tell them stories about the place you will be visiting, and show them pictures of where you will be visiting. Getting kids involved in the early stages and making them a part of the planning is fun for the whole family. Ex, when we planned our first Disney World visit we talked about how we will get to meet all our beloved characters and have fun.
Check with the Airlines
Traveling with kids, can easily increase the luggage, as their needs are a bit more than us. At the same time, it’s always good to travel light. Some of the things will be needed handy and need to go in the cabin bag, for the rest of the luggage it’s important to find out the limit weight, as each airline has different requirements. Also, most of the airlines will let you take the strollers up to the entrance of the aircraft, and you get it upon exit. Umbrella strollers are great and they work for most kids.
Must haves on the Journey
Make a list of your kid’s favorite things to do. The things need to be compact and tiny, that can be easily carried in cabin luggage if you are traveling by air. Some tips to consider are small books, coloring books, small Legos, and soft toys. Instead of buying everything new, keep some aside for some days and introduce them as new in the airplane. Some favorite dry snacks, water, and candy are always good to have. Downloaded favorite videos on your device are helpful while waiting in lines or for distractions. It is much easier when traveling by road, but it still will be helpful to keep some things handy such as wet wipes, plastic bags (car sickness) if needed, a playlist for the car, pillows, and sunglasses in addition to the other things mentioned above.
First Day at the Destination
This particularly applies to far-away destinations, with long-haul flights. The long journey, the long hours on the flight, and the jet lag can make it difficult for kids. Make sure they are well-hydrated and well-rested before you embark on your adventures. The first day can be a bit lazy but you can still explore your surroundings. The first thing on your list can be a place where the kids can enjoy and feel at home. A nice park, Kids’ play area, a beach, or a small hike on a trail can be refreshing.
Ideas for Meals
It can be more challenging for kids who have sensory issues with eating. Trying new foods may not be an option. It will be helpful to carry a small electric cooker if you can, especially if you are traveling locally, and renting a place for vacation. This will allow you to cook rice, soups, and stews that your kid is comfortable eating. It is also worth requesting your hotel or B&B if they can make something for your kid. You may even keep some nonperishable food with you which can be of great help. Many good restaurants would help and modify a meal if you request and explain the situation. A visit to a local market can be a fun way to explore the culture and also try some fresh produce and food with familiar ingredients. Keep it simple and stress-free for all. Trying new food may sound exciting, but it may not happen on a vacation.
Challenges into Motivation
Kids surprise you with what they can do when you least expect it. Find something interesting that will raise their curiosity and try to associate the challenge with it to make it playful. A kid who’s been taking a long time potty-training can suddenly get fascinated by the restrooms in the trains and get trained successfully. Similarly, a kid who is a picky eater, or refuses to try new food, can get interested in different places around the world on a world map and show interest in trying food from one of those places. For the kids having trouble waiting for their turn, and also those who are learning about time, train and airplane timetables can be a great experience. Airport experience is a great learning opportunity for kids to read the signs and follow directions.
Everyone Enjoys
Make sure grownups have fun too- knowing your kids’ schedule you will likely make the plans accordingly, but since you too are on a vacation you want to make sure you get to have fun as well. Make sure to look for places and activities that are family-friendly, and keep a favorite toy, blanket, or a tiny coloring book, noise cancellation headphones are very helpful too. For example, When booking a table at a restaurant, try for a booth, which will be much more comfortable than chairs for the kids to relax while you are still hanging out for a while. Most of the all inclusive resorts and cruises have kids camp where the kids can spend time with age appropriate activities.